Utah’s medical cannabis program continues to sign up more patients every day. With every new patient on board, there are plenty of questions about how the system works, especially about using the EVS, or electronic verification system. We are here to help, not just with high-quality medicine at our Salt Lake City pharmacy and Brigham City pharmacy, but also with answers to your questions.
In this post, we will discuss some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the electronic verification system. You have already interacted with the EVS if you have an active medical cannabis card. If not, and you are hoping to get a card, you will need to go through the EVS.
1. What is the electronic verification system?
Like so many others, Utah has put much of the administration of the state’s medical cannabis program online. The EVS is the state portal that facilitates online administration. It is a one-stop shopping experience if you will, a place where both medical providers and patients register and submit documentation. It is where pharmacies report required data, look up patient information, and more.
2. How do patients use the system?
A patient’s first interaction with the EVS is normally submitting the initial medical cannabis card application. Applications cannot be printed and mailed in; they can only be completed online. In order to do that, a patient must establish an EVS account. And to do that, a patient must have a valid Utah ID.
3. How do medical providers use the system?
Medical providers interact with the EVS in two ways. First, those that wish to become qualified medical providers (QMPs) submit and renew their applications through the system. Second, medical providers complete their portion of a patient’s application or renewal through the EVS. A patient cannot complete and submit their application until the medical provider enters the required information.
4. How are medical cannabis cards issued through the EVS?
Patients do not receive a paper or plastic card. Rather, cards are issued electronically through the EVS. A patient needs to actually log in to check their status and view a medical cannabis card. Patients are free to download copies of their cards to their phones or print them if they wish. A phone version is legally acceptable proof in a Utah medical cannabis pharmacy.
5. What does that EVS mean by ‘Awaiting State Review’?
A new patient who checks on their status for a new card may see the phrase ‘Awaiting State Review’. That means their application is pending. It needs to be reviewed and approved by a representative of the Department of Health. The law requires that a decision be rendered within 15 days of application but it is usually approved much sooner.