Utah regulations allow for several different types of medical cannabis cards. The card most people get is called the patient card. People providing care for other adults can get a caregiver’s card, while out-of-state visitors planning to come to Utah can get a non-resident card. There is one more type of card that doesn’t get a lot of attention: the guardian card. It allows parents or legal guardians to provide medical cannabis to minors.
The basic process for getting a guardian card is similar to the process for getting any of the others. But there are some peculiarities with the guardian card. This is because, without special permission, minors in Utah are not allowed to use medical cannabis. Therefore, the state had to establish a special process to approve those whose need for cannabis outweighs the risks of using it.
Basics of the Guardian Card
The guardian card is designed to allow parents or legal guardians the opportunity to visit a medical cannabis pharmacy to purchase medicines on behalf of a minor. The card allows both purchase and possession. It is necessary because minors cannot walk into a pharmacy to buy medications for themselves. Someone needs to make the purchases for them.
Obviously, a guardian card would not allow the adult who possesses it the right to consume medical cannabis purchased with the card. That adult also could not give the medicines to anyone other than the minor for whom the card was issued. A parent or guardian wishing to consume medical cannabis him or herself would have to apply for a regular patient card.
The Compassionate Use Board
Because minors are not normally allowed to purchase or consume medical cannabis, the state established something known as the Compassion Use Board, a board of medical and industry professionals tasked with reviewing cases of both minors and adults who want to use medical cannabis even though their conditions are not on the official list.
In the case of a guardian card, an application must be made on behalf of the minor as well as the guardian him or herself. The minor’s case is reviewed by the Compassionate Use Board for approval. Meanwhile, the guardian must undergo a background check. As long as everything goes well, the minor is issued a provisional card while the guardian gets the guardian card.
The state aims to review and decide on all Compassionate Use applications within 90 days. Review could be completed in less time, but there are never any guarantees. Application reviews are subject to board meeting schedules.
Visiting With a Medical Provider
One last thing to know about the guardian card is that an in-person visit with a medical provider is still necessary the first time through. The medical provider assesses the miner’s condition along with determining whether medical cannabis is an appropriate treatment. Both guardian and medical provider must enter the appropriate information respective to their roles into the state’s electronic verification system (EVS).
The fee for initial guardian and provisional cards is $68.25. Renewal cards thereafter are $24. Secondary and provisional patient cards are $15, both initially and upon renewal. Payments are made at the time electronic applications are submitted.
If you are an adult with a guardian card, we invite you to visit either Beehive Farmacy location to obtain medicines for the minor you care for. You can find us in both Salt Lake City and Brigham City. We carry a full selection of approved medical cannabis products in a variety of delivery methods. Our on-staff pharmacist is available to answer your questions as well.